Wednesday 9 November 2011

Waitrose Cox's Apple Cider (2010 Vintage)

Another single variety cider then. And a supermarket own brand (and indeed, from their own orchards too). Unless it says on the label, it is always difficult to figure out who made it for them, or whether Waitrose own their own press as well as their own orchard... oh well.

I ought to have started this review with 'Another Cox's cider' to try. I have to confess I was disappointed with the Thatchers version as being a balanced up cider. Cox, being a desert apple, must offer fairly thin, acidic cider with little tannin to counter it. So, I will be bearing this all in mind when thinking about the Waitrose cider.

Sure enough, it is a straw coloured drink with a light and acidic smell. So far so good then. I do also catch a touch of sulphite too (though this surely can vary from batch to batch).

And to drink. For all my limited knowledge, this is a fairly thin, lightly acidic cider but with an interesting character. Very definitely eastern in style there is very little (i.e. no) tannin getting in the way of an actually reasonably pleasant drink.

It has a lingering acid that goes on well after you have swallowed too. So, could this be what a Cox's cider ought to taste like?

But before I wax lyrical, hang on. It is not exactly full of flavour. I have tasted much better eastern style cider made with a blend of a number of varieties. I have tasted one or two single variety desert apple ciders that would give the Cox a run for its money too.

But, its a good representation of Cox. And it is absolutely drinkable - and will go on my list of very nearly's with a score of 69.

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